Kids from “Dunavski cvet” kindergarten in Novi Sad were able to hear the answers to above and many other questions during the lecture organized by Greentech, commemorating the World Environment Day on June 5. With the sounds of the piano and that of "The bumblebee swore by the flower and the honey to put the meadow in order" song, some 40 children began their socializing with their Greentech friends, Kristina and Zelenka plush cow.
When asked directly what are they doing with used plastic bottles in their households, children gave different answers:
- Mom pours water into the bottle and waters the flowers.
- My older sister throws bottles out the window.
- We remove the closures and bring the bottles to kindergarten to be recycled...
“Dunavski cvet” kindergarten children were then able to hear about, see as well as touch the material made out of recycled PET bottles. Zelenka cow proudly revealed its stuffing being made out of polyester (PET) fiber produced in GREEN GROUP’s Greentech and Greenfiber production facilities. Each child received small PET fiber portion to take home and show their parents, as well as the "Help Planet Recycle" campaign educational brochures. After the lecture children were able to paint the coloring books with Greentech’s mascot PETko and make recycling Comic books with their teacher.
Recycling song concluded the happy socialization with an arrangement to meet up again soon, but until then to diligently collect plastic bottles and closures.
Help Planet recycle,
Cause waste pollutes the nature,
Give new life to PET packaging,
Cause each bottle is happy to be recycled.
Put the plastic bottles into container,
Because Greentech makes fantastic products out of them.
Instead of polluting parks, valleys and rivers with plastics.
Fill stuffed teddy bears and bunnies with PET fiber. |